Cleft Rhinoplasty
Length of surgery
2-4 Hours
General anaesthetic
Hospital stay
May require overnight stay
Time off work
1-2 weeks
Time off exercise
6 weeks
Time to fully settle
18 months
Post-op care
Nasal taping for 6 weeks
What is a Cleft Rhinoplasty?
Cleft rhinoplasty involves the use of specialized techniques to reconstruct the nasal structures, including the septum, nasal cartilages, and nasal bones. This surgery is typically performed under general anaesthesia and involves making incisions along the nasal tip and sides. The surgeon then reshapes the nasal structures to create a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing nose.
Cleft Rhinoplasty Surgeon
Cleft rhinoplasty is a complex procedure that requires a highly skilled and experienced surgeon. Patients should carefully consider the risks and benefits of the procedure before undergoing surgery and should choose a surgeon who has experience in performing cleft rhinoplasty.
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What are the benefits of Cleft Rhinoplasty?
The benefits of cleft rhinoplasty can be both functional and aesthetic. Here are some of the potential benefits:
Improved appearance
Cleft rhinoplasty can significantly improve the appearance of the nose, creating a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing nose.
Improved Breathing
In many cases, cleft rhinoplasty can improve breathing function by correcting any obstructions or deformities that are blocking the nasal passages.
Correction of Nasal Deformities
Cleft rhinoplasty can correct any nasal deformities caused by the cleft nose, including a deviated septum, asymmetrical nostrils, or a droopy tip.
Increased Confidence
The improved appearance of the nose can boost self-confidence and self-esteem in individuals with a cleft nose.
Better Quality of Life
The correction of functional issues can lead to a better quality of life, as patients can breathe more easily and engage in physical activities without restrictions.
It’s important to note that the benefits of cleft rhinoplasty can vary from patient to patient, and it’s essential to consult with an experienced plastic surgeon to understand the potential benefits and risks of the procedure.
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Cleft Rhinoplasty Specialist
If you are looking for a cleft rhinoplasty specialist, Dr Amir Sadri is a leading expert in cleft rhinoplasty and can help you achieve your desired results in the safest and most effective way.
Dr Amir Sadri is a specialist rhinoplasty surgeon based in London. He is widely published with over 40 peer-reviewed papers on an extensive range of plastic, reconstructive, and cosmetic surgery. Furthermore, he’s presented work internationally in Europe and the USA.
As a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Great Ormond Street Hospital, he is involved in the reconstruction of children with cleft lip and palate and vascular anomalies. In addition, he also owns his own private clinic and his cosmetic practice includes all aspects of aesthetic surgery, but his particular interest is in rhinoplasty and facial aesthetic surgery.
Learn More About Cleft Rhinoplasty Surgery
Patients born with a cleft lip can have associated changes with the nose that are collectively called cleft lip nasal deformity.
These deformities include a wide bridge, deviation of the nose, nostril asymmetries, poor nasal projection, and a wide nasal tip. These changes to the nose are due to the cleft lip and form during the babies development inside the mother’s womb.
Surgical repair of the cleft lip as a baby, some of the issues with the nose are corrected. However, as the child grows and reaches adulthood, some of the deformities can return or persist.
Cleft rhinoplasty is considered the most difficult type of rhinoplasty and should ideally be performed by a cleft surgeon or expert in rhinoplasty surgery.
The surgery may require the use of cartilage grafts from the patients ear or ribs. This makes the recovery after cleft rhinoplasty longer and less comfortable.
Patients undergoing cleft rhinoplasty should be aware that the aim of surgery is to bring about an improvement to aesthetic appearance of the nose. It is impossible to create a nose that is the same as someone who never had a cleft lip.
The cleft rhinoplasty is available on the NHS for eligible patients. Therefore, those patients with a past history of cleft lip should seek a referral to their local cleft centre.
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