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The Truth about Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

May 3, 2022

Is non surgical or surgical rhinoplasty better?

Convenience and cost are probably the most important initial considerations when someone is thinking about cosmetic plastic surgery.  If something can be done “non-surgically” then most assume that this is the better option.  But is it really?  Non-surgical options are usually promoted as been cheaper, quicker, with less down time.  However, when it comes to nose reshaping this may not be entirely accurate.

Recent articles in the Guardian and the Daily Mail have discussed how a fall in surgical rhinoplasty has been driven by non-surgical alternatives.  With treatments costing as low as £300, with no need to take time off work, then it is no wonder patients are choosing this as an alternative to the “traditional” rhinoplasty.

Liquid or non-surgical rhinoplasty

Liquid or non-surgical rhinoplasty is when hylarunoic acid (a naturally occurring substance in the body) is used to alter the shape of the nose.  Injecting this non-permanent filler in key areas of the nose can be a powerful tool in achieving balance and harmony between the nose and the rest of the face.  However, plastic surgeons are seeing more and more patients who are unsatisfied with their non-surgical rhinoplasty or would like a permanent result.

Are non-surgical nose fillers safe?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is not without risk.  If the filler is injected into a blood vessel it can lead to catastrophic consequences such has skin loss or blindness.  More commonly, non-surgical rhinoplasty cannot correct breathing difficulties with the nose, or severe crookedness.  It is essentially good for someone with a small bump on the bridge of their nose.  It cannot correct a large or droopy tip.

Modern surgical rhinoplasty techniques

Modern surgical rhinoplasty techniques, which are encompassed by the term “preservation rhinoplasty” can achieve dramatic and permanent changes to the nose without many of the downsides people associate with surgical rhinoplasty.

Most patients who undergo preservation rhinoplasty have little or no bruising and are able to return to work after a week (depending on the type of work).  Also, because vital anatomical components are preserved (such a cartilage and ligaments) less long term changes occur.  This means lower chance of needing revision surgery.

It is important that patients see a surgeon or injector who is qualified, experience and has a passion for facial surgery before undergoing any form of treatment.  Both non-surgical and surgical rhinoplasty have a role to play in nose reshaping.  Neither is superior to the other.  It all depends on the patient and what they wish to achieve.

Preservation Rhinoplasty

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