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What Happens At 1 Week Post 0p Rhinoplasty?

Aug 29, 2022

One week post-op result following preservation rhinoplasty.

How long after rhinoplasty can you see final results?

What Happens At 1 Week Post 0p Rhinoplasty?

What Happens At One Following A Rhinoplasty

A week after having a rhinoplasty, most patients have recovered from the general anaesthetic and are feeling more energetic. Also they are beginning to get used to sleeping on their back which can be difficult for many patients.

At one week the cast and internal splints are removed. This feels like such a relief for most patients. The swelling associated with the operation is it its maximum at this point. However, everyday that passes the bruising and swelling gets better and better.

It is important to continue looking after the nose for the next 6 weeks in terms of taping (helps reduce swelling), sleeping on your back and avoiding strenuous exercise.

How long after rhinoplasty can you see final results?

Is preservation rhinoplasty better?

There are broadly speaking two types of approach to rhinoplasty, preservation and structural. The question as to which is better depends entirely on the surgeon doing the operation.

Overall there are advantages and disadvantages to both types of approach. However, overall, if structures in the nose can be preserved then generally this is a good thing. However, preservation rhinoplasty cannot be done in all patients. This is particularly so in some types of dorsal humps and in revision or secondary cases.

Is preservation rhinoplasty better?

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