prominent ear correction surgery before and after london plastic surgeon facial surgeon

Prominent Ear Correction With Suture Technique

Aug 27, 2022

Prominent Ear Correction With Suture Technique

3 months after bilateral prominent ear correction with suture technique. A natural and subtle result. The procedure is also known as a pinnaplasty or otoplasty.

What Is A Prominent Ear?

Prominent, sticky out or bat ears are ears that are protrude from the sides of the head excessively. This can be due to three situations. However, we first have to consider what the structures of the ear are.

Ears are made of cartilage that have folds and bowls. Broadly speaking there is fold called the antihelical fold and a bowl called the conchal bowl.

Ears look prominent if the 1) antihelical fold is not well formed, or the 2) conchal bowl is large and deep or 3) a combination of the two.

How Are Prominent Ear Corrected

There are several techniques that correct prominent ears. If the prominence is due to a lack of the antihelical fold, then this fold is recreated with sutures or by scoring the cartilage to change its shape.

If the prominence is due to a deep conchal bowl, then sutures can be used to approximate the bowl against the side of the head, or by cutting away the excess conchal bowl.

The surgery is performed through incision which are well hidden behind the ear.

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